Full Glory Marine Service & Consultant Co., Ltd. is a China-wide marine service and consultant company, founded in 2009 by Ex-Master Mariner and Ex-Chief Engineer etc senior marine consultants. We provide professional and qualified services ranging from risks assessment, advice on disaster preventions, and survey services once losses or damages occurred.

The company was founded in 2009

Rich experience in loss determination and claim settlement

Years of inspection work experience
Presently, the company has been certified both by the “China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS)“ and the “General Administration of Customs, P. R. China”. We mainly deal with assignments from worldwide P&I clubs, Hull & Machinery Underwriters, overseas-based survey companies, ships Owners and Charterers. We offer professional services ranged from ship’s collisions, oil pollutions, marine casualties, cargo shortage and damage dispute, ship’s delivery/redelivery, bunkering, cargo measurement, container stuffing and de-stuffing, cargo pre-loading services, et cetera from Shanghai and as well from our satellite offices with all services controlled by headquarter coordinators in Shanghai.
The company is headquartered in Shanghai, with branch office along China major coastal cities. The company focus on the clients’ needs and all missions are assigned and coordinated through the coordinators at Shanghai head office. Any requests or quires from our clients will be always responded on time and professionally. Our principal surveyors have years of rich experiences for marine and cargo surveys. Our major clients including P&I Clubs, such as NOE, WOE, SOE, GARD, UK, BRITANNIA, and H&M Underwrites, such as GARD, SKULD, NORWEGIAN, the Swedish Club, and correspondents, such as Shanghai P&I, Oasis P&I and SCUA Far East.